Our shared passion for Theodor CPH is that of creating ideal, high-quality handcrafted jewelery with a keen eye for well-executed craftsmanship.

With us, transparency and advice are essential. We select the best untreated gemstones in the marketplace and take our customers by hand and follow them from A to Z in the buying and decision-making process. We set aside all the time our customers require to find just the right piece of jewelery. We have a well-developed design department where, in collaboration with the customer, we will design and create that special piece of jewelery in accordance to their wishes and dreams.

Kasper Theodor

Diamonds have always captivated and fascinated me. Beautiful stones created by nature, millions of years ago, that we humans love to embellish ourselves with. 

In prior years, when acquiring diamonds, for myself personally, in the marketplace I have, too often, experienced a kind of closed-ness, a void, a lack information relating to the quality and pricing of the diamonds.

With my years of experience, passion, education and insight into the world of diamonds, I have chosen to entered this world… the marketplace of precious gemstones, metals, and meticulously hand crafted jewelery. I would like to have the opportunity to advise, to guide  my clients, with openness, in their decision making process, as to what may be most correct for them in terms of quality, design and budget.

 Steen Theodor

Over 30 years as a graphic designer, I have refined my passion for simple, clean, elegant design.

With this experience and knowlege I have envisioned and designed a line of bespoke jewellery in precious metals enhanced with diamonds, sapphires and spindles. In a classic Scandinavian and timeless design that will last for generations.

With a great personal interest in both tranquility and spirituality, I have created yet another line of jewelery created to arouse curiosity.

I valget af din diamant, er det vigtigt at tage stilling til, hvordan dine prioriteter er i forhold til: Form, Farve, Klarhed og Størrelse, da det er afgørende for sjældenheden og værdien af stenen.

Når du skal vælge dit nye smykke, skal du tage stilling til, hvilket ædelmetal smykket skal opbygges af. Her spiller forskellige faktorer ind: farve, renhed og hårdhed i metallet.