Sapphires & Spinels

In ancient times it was believed that sapphires protected their wearers from evil

One in every one hundred. Almost all the gemstones are carved and polished. But only one in a hundred is of high enough quality to remain natural. The remaining stones require some form of further processing, usually in the form of heat treatment, to improve their appearance and beauty. But this means that the stones are no longer untouched and created by nature. On average, an untreated sapphire can be 2.5 times as expensive as an identically treated sapphire.

When assessing the value of sapphires and spinels, as with the diamonds, use the 4 Cs. But in addition, the stones are also assessed on the basis of some more subjective criteria. In the world of sapphires and spinels, the gems look a little different. Here, the stones may have inclusions, as this indicates that they are untreated.

Cutting a natural gemstone

When found in nature, a gemstone must of course be prepared for its use in jewelry. The first stage of cutting, called propagation, is the most important, and it should always be carried out by an experienced master cutter. 

Cutting a natural gemstone requires time and patience, as no two stones are the same. Each stone will have different ways of reflecting both light and colour, which means that an experienced master cutter will get to know each stone extremely well during the propagation process, so as to allow the most beautiful features of each stone to be brought forth.

Theodor Cph - Cutting a natural Sapphire - Spinel

When the propagation is preformed, the bevels are cut and the stone polished. An experienced cutter can cut and polish about ten small stones a day, while arger stones can take several days.

Diamonds are considered a 10 on the hardness scale, with sapphires lying on a 9 and spinels of 8. The hardness of sapphire and spindles and its versatile gamut of colours make them ideal for use in jewellery for everyday use, such as rings and bracelets.

Theodor Cph - Cutting a natural Sapphire - Spinel stone


When found in nature, a gemstone must of course be prepared for its use in jewelry. The first stage of cutting, called propagation, is the most important, and it should always be carried out by an experienced master cutter. 

Cutting a natural gemstone requires time and patience, as no two stones are the same. Each stone will have different ways of reflecting both light and colour, which means that an experienced master cutter will get to know each stone extremely well during the propagation process, so as to allow the most beautiful features of each stone to be brought forth.

Theodor Cph - Cutting a natural Sapphire lup.jpg
Theodor Cph - Kashmir safir

But, also, in the world of sapphires there are what are known as “Rare Stones”. Here, the color of the sapphire is extremely crucial for this designation.

A rare color among sapphires is called "Padparadscha", which means "Lotus color." It is the only colored sapphire given its own name besides the Ruby. These stones reflect in the colors pink and orange and can be very expensive, but the most rare and most valuable of the “Rare Stones”, known as a Cornflower Blue or Kasmir sapphire - having a very special grain blue color.


Spinel is a clear gemstone, its construction resembling that of the diamond. The name comes from the Latin word spinella, meaning spine, to which the stone's pointed crystals should give association. Its crystalline structure is cubic, with its characteristic crystal shape being an octave that resembles two back-to-back pyramids.

Spinels behave very differently when compared to the sapphire. When it is beveled into a gemstone the light, from within, plays with a much greater intensity in a spinel. Spindles are found in different colors, these variations are the result, of the influence of different trace minerals, typically alumina and magnesium, during the stones formation.

Theodor Cph - Padparadscha safir - Spinel

The sapphires have different meanings

Sort safir
Bringer visdom og tillid til ens egen intuition. Den er beskyttende og hjælper med at bevare jordforbindelse, lindrer angst og sorg og er en talisman for at søge og opretholde beskæftigelse.

Grøn safri
Bringer visdom af troskab og integritet. Det tilskynder medfølelse for andre, stimulerer syn og forbedrer evnen til at genkalde sig ens drømme.

Orange eller Padparadsha safir
Bringer visdommen til at elske skabelsen fra hjertet til verden. Det forener ens kreativitet, sensualitet og spiritualitet og er en talisman for kunstnere, forfattere og sangere.

Lyserød safir
Bringer visdom og modstandsdygtighed. Den stimulerer følelser og tilskynder kærlighed, tilgivelse og hjælper til at sætte fortiden fri. Det frembringer accept og styrke i hjertet.

Violet safir
Bringer visdommen i åndelig opvågnen. Den stimulerer meditation, åbner kronechakraet og giver kundalini mulighed for at rejse sig uhindret. Det kalder på sjælelig forening og fred.

Blå safir
Bruges til at være på din åndelige vej og få hjælp i spørgsmål om selvdisciplin, hvad enten det er rutinemæssige daglige opgaver eller handlinger, der kræver ekstremt fokus. Det hjælper i tider med forandring at opretholde en klar vision om, hvor det er, du vil hen og hvordan du kommer derhen. Blå safir er en sten af kærlighed, engagement og troskab og er blevet populær i forlovelsesringe.

Hvid safir
Bringer visdom og styrke i ånden og giver den nødvendige indre beslutning om at overvinde vanskelige hindringer for ens åndelige vej. Det bringer klarhed i sindet og kommunikation til højere enheder.

Gul safir
Bringer visdom og velstand. Det hjælper ikke kun med at skabe økonomisk overflod, men stimulerer den indre vilje gennem solar plexus til kreativt at fokusere og manifestere ens mål og ambitioner.

Only a natural gemstone is a true representation of our planet
– pure, beautiful and complex

An untreated sapphire and spinel is, in short, a gemstone that is taken out of the ground and then its facets are cut and polished. The stone has not been altered and has therefore retained its natural beauty, structure and authenticity. Therefore, no two sapphires are the same, which makes each stone quite unique and special.

At Theodor Cph, we only work with untreated gemstones